A Prayer For Our Country

Today is a sobering day, and it truly shows the vast diversity in our country. I have friends celebrating, and I have friends grieving. These friends (on both sides) are honest, hardworking people; who love their country. Their elation, or despair, stems from their beliefs on how to achieve the best possible future for the families they love so fiercely.
I am fearful for what the future holds, but the fear I have would be present regardless of which candidate won last night. Our country is in dark times, and they will most likely get darker before we find the light, but it is there. Now is not the time to attack loved ones for their beliefs; now is the time to LOVE everyone and be the people God knows we can be. Together we can find, and be, the light our country so desperately needs. Let us walk in FAITH, and not cower in fear.
As I said last night….
For those of you who voted… Should your candidate win, I pray the next four years are as wonderful as you hope; should your candidate lose, I pray the next four years are not as horrible as your fear. Regardless of who wins, I pray for our country to show Love, Respect and Kindness for ALL.  ❤

Please choose kindness today, and THINK before speak (or type). This election has set off extremely painful triggers for many people, and today they are hurting. PLEASE project the love and comfort you yourself would appreciate, be a beacon of hope.
Derived from: Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals (The Rabbinical Assembly & The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism)

Excerpt from:
Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals (The Rabbinical Assembly & The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism)


“We’re not Democrats first. We’re not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country.” – President Obama

Have a blessed day everyone, and don’t forget to smile. ♥

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